Just like Starting Over

We are working for Next 2018 European Elections.
So, it's only a BetaTest Web, it will be completly operative Soon.

JUL 22, 2:00 PM
iPan european Political Online Party for the United States and Kingdoms of Europe has web, G+, Facebook and Twitter. Being the FisrtPan European Political Party of Citizens for all U.S.E / U.S.K.E.
JUN 23, 06:00 AM
At Valencia, Spain, it decided to collaborate with all existings European Movements for go on building Europe in Honour Jo & others anonymous strivers.
JUN 22, 8:00 PM
Populits Brexit Wins when Jo Cox would be 42 year old.
JUN 16, 13:00 PM
Jo Cox Lies Dead at Birstall. R.I.P.
SEP 2, 9:00 PM
Presentation of Party ByLaws at European Parlamient.
JUN 16, 7:00 AM
First National Congress at London.
MAY 9, 11:00 AM
"Let's walk with our neighbors"
MAY 11, 2:00 PM
Kickoff Sunday
MAY 11, 5:00 PM
Community Coffee
MAY 13, 1:00 PM
League of European Women