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The Key to Success: Compassion, Mercy & Charity

Feel how the other are suffering is first step to change the world.
Feelings guide us in this Great Way, Emotion guides our concience to help who really need it and Soul, certainly, knows what all we need.
Follow the Empathy Yellow Brick Road.
Path will teach you. Don't Fear. Don't Doubt.
Don't think only about you, Think and Believe in the Other.
Leave your confortable Kansas an come in.
All we need is Love!
Feelings guide us in this Great Way, Emotion guides our concience to help who really need it and Soul, certainly, knows what all we need.
Follow the Empathy Yellow Brick Road.
Path will teach you. Don't Fear. Don't Doubt.
Don't think only about you, Think and Believe in the Other.
Leave your confortable Kansas an come in.
All we need is Love!

Mercy - Misericordiae
Help any other with the Compassion of your heart!!!
Don't mind who or why, compassion requires we do it, as far as we can, according to our possibilities.
Les't do it! For nothing!! For All!!!
To Do a Simple
Act of Mercy rewards you and cheers your soul.
It maybe don't changes anything... but you...
You, in a simple act of compassion or Mercy, calls to Misericordiae, and this force makes yourself stronger and stronger.
It's an individual acts, but it is a benefit for all the world... and of course being a benefit for Mr. Kite and his Monkey!!!
Let's become strogest we can by Mercy, by Compassion, by Charity.
Don't mind who or why, compassion requires we do it, as far as we can, according to our possibilities.
Les't do it! For nothing!! For All!!!
To Do a Simple
Act of Mercy rewards you and cheers your soul.
It maybe don't changes anything... but you...
You, in a simple act of compassion or Mercy, calls to Misericordiae, and this force makes yourself stronger and stronger.
It's an individual acts, but it is a benefit for all the world... and of course being a benefit for Mr. Kite and his Monkey!!!
Let's become strogest we can by Mercy, by Compassion, by Charity.

Charity today is not in, usually we call it as Solidarity, but what is them?
They are Compassion - Empathy, they are Mercy - Help, but also, Charity and/or Solidarity is organizated, is estructurated, is commited, is required, is the deep meaning of the Human Rights, is the deeper meaning of the Estates, is the deeper meaning of the Churchs, is the deeper meaning of the Religions, is the deeper meaning of the Politics, Economics, Philosophies...
Charity is de deepest meaning of meanings!!!
Charity, also requires, needy people give something a change, they have to give theirselves a chance, they have to start again... A Fresh Start.
Just like starting over!!!
A New Oportunity.
Let's Help to generate the flow thats arrives to everyboby... This is Solidarity, This is Religion, This is Politics, This is Economics...
This is our Culture.
I like to turn you in a day in the life.
They are Compassion - Empathy, they are Mercy - Help, but also, Charity and/or Solidarity is organizated, is estructurated, is commited, is required, is the deep meaning of the Human Rights, is the deeper meaning of the Estates, is the deeper meaning of the Churchs, is the deeper meaning of the Religions, is the deeper meaning of the Politics, Economics, Philosophies...
Charity is de deepest meaning of meanings!!!
Charity, also requires, needy people give something a change, they have to give theirselves a chance, they have to start again... A Fresh Start.
Just like starting over!!!
A New Oportunity.
Let's Help to generate the flow thats arrives to everyboby... This is Solidarity, This is Religion, This is Politics, This is Economics...
This is our Culture.
I like to turn you in a day in the life.

Dessert will be Silence and Peacefull!!!
But it is Uninhabitable.
To share your heart and your emotions and your life, your heart has to be inhabitable, Gentle, Kind, Lovely...
No doubt! No Fear!
Open your mind to Compassion, Mercy and Charity.
To share your heart and your emotions and your life, your heart has to be inhabitable, Gentle, Kind, Lovely...
No doubt! No Fear!
Open your mind to Compassion, Mercy and Charity.
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